Condition damage scaling, new weapon & skills.

New Skills

Bleeding Swirl: Your range attacks cast a swirling blade which is cycling around you applying a bleeding condition to all hit enemies. Bleeding deals 1 damage each 2 seconds, lasting for a total duration of 6 seconds.

Bleeding Blade: Your melee attacks create a swirling blade which is cycling around you applying a bleeding condition to all hit enemies. Bleeding deals 1 damage each 2 seconds, lasting for a total duration of 6 seconds.

New Weapon

Lightning Staff: A new weapon has been added to the game. The lightning staff features lightning fast projectiles. Projectiles hits create two replicating projectiles that targets the nearest enemy if there is one available.

New leaderboard public season

With update a new leaderboard season has started. You can join the leaderboards simply by clicking on the public league button in the main menu. You can still continue to play on the old leaderboard.

  • Improved gamepad support for league window and leaderboard scroll list (
  • Leaderboard ranking list is now automatically scrolling to your current position (
  • Reworked hammer and elder club attack animations (
  • Improved shard of conjunction: The shard now connects a lot more possible sorrounding skill nodes (
  • Added shadows to projectiles to make them stand out better independent on map background.
  • New enemy endgame scaling system with increased HP scaling on very deep floor levels

  • [Emerald Widow] Increased spawn egg cooldown to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds before)
  • [Emerald Widow] Decreased spawned egg required hits to 6 (was 10 before)
  • [Emerald Widow] Decreased spawned spider HP to 12 (was 20 before)
  • [Conditions] Burning now has a 3 second duration (was 2 seconds before)

  • Fixed wrong scale of phoenix egg on minimap overlay
  • Fixed a melee companions not being able to attack gatekeeper defense objects (
  • Plenty of smaller bug fixes

Thanks for everyone providing helpful feedback, which is what drives the development forward! You are invited to join our discord and participate in the ongoing development of Striving for Light!

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Files 1.2 GB
Version Jun 25, 2022 1.2 GB
Version Jun 25, 2022

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