

  • Performance increase for very large skill trees: For our testing skill trees can now get insanely huge until a slow down is noticeable.

  • Reworked enemy AI: Enemies now detect obstacles and walk or charge around them. This will lead to more challenging boss fights and less enemies getting stuck and beeing sniped from distance.

  • Endless mode reworks: Endless mode now only picks 1 trap and destructible object type per level to make the visuals of higher levels more diverse.
  • Improved forest map layout to decrease enemy density and even out the difficulty spike
  • Player projectiles are now destroyed on map borders to prevent shooting over map edges
  • Traps on lava level now have an increased size
  • Reworked burning ground visual effect


  • Boss maximum health has been set to equal amount for all bosses in the endless mode


  • Fixed a bug which caused the portal state not beeing saved correcty when leaving a run and returning it later
  • Fixed item drops spawning inside the chest and beeing not lootable
  • Fixed a bug which caused huge frame drops when having multiple overlapping explosions active on screen

Files 1.2 GB
Version Dec 11, 2021 1.2 GB
Version Dec 11, 2021

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